As some roundworms and tapeworms in dogs and cats can also be transmitted to humans, periodic deworming of your pet is essential for your own protection and health!
In addition, these parasites do not necessarily settle only in the intestines of people, but travel from there through the body tissue to eventually cause cysts in various organs (including eyes and liver) and by doing so, can cause serious illnesses.
The frequency of deworming depends on the circumstances (outdoor range, risk of infection) and also diet (mice, raw meat) of your pet.
Basically, for dogs and outdoor cats, 4 deworming treatments per year are recommended
(ESCAP recommendation). Alternatively, we should check the feces of your pet 4 times a year. The stool samples should contain parts taken over a period of 3 days.
We always have deworming medication in stock for you, whether as a paste, tablet, or even topical (cat).
In case you should not be able to deworm your animal in this way, we can also offer you the deworming by injection.
For rare parasitic diseases such as Helicobacter pylori, heartworm, Giardia spp, coccidia spp., we offer special investigations by in-house tests (performed in our practice) or further laboratory tests.